QPM Nursery Technology/Planting Stock

We live in an age of quantity. When planning a particular task, one might ask oneself, "Quality or quantity?" Focusing on either may consume the same amount of time and resources, but the result will often be significantly different as the quantity is automatically irreconcilable with quality? The ultimately, quality can make our goal achievable 

The starting point in a Biodiesel Crop cultivation quest for high production of quality produce is the selection of the right planting material - seed or seedling

A company investing millions of dollars in Biodiesel Crop based biodiesel project shall have to keep in the mind that the basis of its business plan is the elite planting material and any mistake in procuring and producing quality seeds or saplings may result in failure of the entire plan. So the most important goal is to produce quality Biodiesel Crop. Quality is more important than quantity. Good plant quality is the basis for Biodiesel Crop planting success.

 It is not worth a grower’s effort to transport plants to the field, prepare an area, plant and maintain Biodiesel Crop unless they are of good quality. A poor quality plant will always be a poor quality plant even if planted on a well-prepared, good site. In the field, each poor quality plant wastes space and resources leading to low site productivity. High quality Biodiesel Crop has a higher survival rate and faster growth in the field than poor quality Biodiesel Crop. Fast growth allows a plant to outcompete weeds and reduces the initial labor costs of establishment... We are producing Biodiesel Crop for next generation; they depend on having high quality plants.

Seedling quality has two main aspects.

1.   The first is the genetic quality or the source of the seed.

2.   The second component of seedling quality is its physical condition when it leaves the nursery.

Seed source quality

The characteristics of the parent Biodiesel Crop can greatly influence the characteristics of the seedlings. The seed can determine whether the plant will grow well or poorly. Studies from around the world have shown that good seed improves survival, Seeds quality, and shortens harvest times.

Some desirable parent plant characteristics are:

  • Healthy Biodiesel Crop with a large, well developed crown
  • Low & more branching may be desired for easier & more fruit harvest
  • Fast growth rate
  • Low susceptibility to (or ability to quickly recover from) disease or insect attack

Seed quality is a concept made up of different attributes, namely

  • Purity
  • Moisture content
  • Oil contents
  • Germination

Seedling physical quality

No single characteristic determines seedling quality.

  • Seedling quality is a combination of
  • Height
  • Diameter
  • Plant nutrition health
  • Root size and shape

Together, these characteristics determine how well the plant will establish itself in the field, and they affect the rate of survival. Height alone is often not a good predictor of how a plant will grow in the field. Plants with large diameter stems often have large root systems. Diameter is a better predictor of root size than plant height is.

A ‘balanced’ seedling has a small to medium shoot system and a large root system. The shoot loses water through the leaves and the roots compensate for this loss by absorbing water and nutrients. ‘Unbalanced’ plants have too many leaves and too few roots

Therefore, success of Biodiesel Crop Energy Project shall depend upon the quality of plants cultivated

The quality of plant shall depend upon

Quality of seedling

Quality of seedlings shall depend upon

Good nursery practice to select the quality seeds of required   characteristics

Good nursery practice to judge seedling quality by several traits

Good nursery practice to select the balanced seedling for transplantation



For Jatropha Failsafe Farm

The CJP experts working on the Jatropha plantation have developed Superior planting material with standard benchmarks as JCLMax3™ Elite HYV Jatropha Improved Seeds and the best Nursery techniques for production of quality saplings just to ensure proper and profitable production of Biodiesel Crop crop. Our  MYCORRHIZED BIODIESEL CROP PLANTS  with 98% seed germination success provide Early fruition and flowering—seven months onwards ahead than normal Plants, Higher yield (25 %) with mycorrhizal inoculation than non-inoculated plantations.

We offer to develop QPM Nursery at your sites for production of high class seedlings with GAP with the following characteristics:

  • Adaptability to the edapho-climatic conditions of the region where the plantations are to be located;
  • High productivity of the plant, deriving from maximum oil content and maximum plant yield

 For Pongamia Failsafe Fuel Farm

DI03SAPÔ Elite HYV Pongamia Saplings

We have developed   DI03SAPÔ the Process of cloning and maintaining an Elite sapling. It has been created from over a decade of research in horticulture and agriculture with the best characteristics of yield, survivability and longevity. Standard Package of Practices (SOP) enable DI03SAP ™ sapling to enhance productivity to achieve greater yields over the lifetime of the plantation with the right crop inputs and management


For Moringa Failsafe Farm

MO03SAPÔ Elite HYV Moringa Saplings

We have developed   MO03SAPÔ the Process of cloning and maintaining an Elite sapling. It has been created from over a decade of research in horticulture and agriculture with the best characteristics of yield, survivability and longevity. Standred Package of Practices (SOP) enable MO03SAP ™ sapling to enhance productivity to achieve greater yields over the lifetime of the plantation with the right crop inputs and management


For Jojoba Failsafe Farm


JO03Rc™ Identified Elite Class 1 Jojoba Rooted Cuttings

With Scientific advancement CJP has selectively bred certain high yielding jojoba plants and developed our identified high-yielding jojoba Rooted Cutting Plants for creating FAIL SAFE JOJOBA FARM with Standard Package of Practices (SOP) enable JO03Rc ™  Rooted Cutting sapling to enhance productivity to achieve greater yields over the lifetime of the plantation with the right crop inputs and management


To obtain detailed QPM Package Proposal Price quotes for cloning and creating elite Production Line


Director (Services)


H/P: +91 9829423333








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